Why Deep Thinking Is Always A Great Use Of Time.

ake a moment to think about your past week: how did you fill your working time, now that you’re back at the office?

A typical leadership role involves communicating with colleagues, problem-solving and decision-making. All of these require executive skills and a decent level of critical thinking that allows for intentionality rather than reactivity.

Richard Branson believes that we don’t make good decisions when we’re in a state of overwhelm. My question, then, is when do you make time for the deep thought that enables you to step out of overwhelm?

When do you make time for the deep thought that enables you to step out of overwhelm?

So, what is deep thinking?

I define it as a space where you can concentrate or focus uninterrupted, where your mind is open to new perspectives and you can do the mental shadowboxing of tussling around scenarios.

The opposite of deep thinking, of course, is shallow thinking, coined by Cal Newport. Shallow work as defined by Newport is logistical, noncognitive or minor; aka the tasks you can do while distracted.

Let’s be clear: leadership isn’t solely deep work over shallow. Both are required. Time in the space of deep conceptualisation unlocks creativity, but it doesn’t necessarily get stuff done in the day-to-day. Your people need you to actually do!

I define it as a space where you can concentrate or focus uninterrupted, where your mind is open to new perspectives and you can do the mental shadowboxing of tussling around scenarios.

But here’s the issue with neglecting deep thinking:

  • Big picture goals remain unarticulated

  • Ideas aren’t fully explored and innovation is stymied.

Deep thinking requires one thing: deep thinking! Here’s how I encourage my clients to add deep thinking to their working lives:

First up: fully explore what gets in the way of rising above the noise and taking the time and space to cultivate deep thinking. Many of my clients have to take intentional steps to rid themselves of the cult of productivity so many of us have absorbed in our careers. We need to stop measuring ourselves against our to-do list, which means we need to find our value beyond what we get done. Busy isn’t a badge of honour.

Secondly: put thinking time in your schedule. Guard it ferociously. It’s a planned activity that is quite energy-intensive so put it in your diary accordingly. It’s not the sort of work you can do at the end of a day filled with back-to-back meetings. Bill Gates infamously took off for a week for thinking time. That’s not often realistically achievable for many leaders, (and Gates might not be your guru), but an hour at the start of the working day, and perhaps forty-five minutes at the end of the day for reflection might be do-able.

Thirdly: go for a walk. There isn’t much that can’t be solved by the deep thinking that comes from a solo, uninterrupted, quiet walk. Thinking time doesn’t have to be at the desk. A writer I know tells me she never solves her plot dilemmas at the desk, but while running.

Bonus step: don’t go it alone. Think deeply, aloud with someone else. Talking and active listening with a confidante is a way to explore ideas in a greater level of depth with shared perspectives. That’s me! I’d love to be your sounding board.

I hope you get a chance to do some deep thinking this fortnight.

Lacey Yeomans

Hello, I’m Lacey. I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, digital marketer and Virtual Assistant.


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